Commercial harvest underway!!!

Our 2019 commercial harvest has officially started! These few days of colder weather slowed us down a bit but things will get right back on track by Monday, 3/25! We are always at the mercy of Mother Nature and this season she was good to us. Looks like a bountiful crop and should have plenty left for our friends that come visit us and pick!

This year, we will have “we pick” and you will be able to order online using our order form….more on that later when we get closer. So stay tuned, keep watching for our updates and emails! If you aren’t signed up for our email notifications, please do so and you won’t miss the latest!

So until next time….we’ll be seeing you in the fields!!


Lyna Knight
2019 Blueberry harvest is approaching fast!!

In a few weeks Lyna Berry Farms will begin the commercial harvest for 2019!! Hard to believe another year has come and gone. The crop looks amazing and if weather continues to cooperate, we should have a bountiful harvest!

Immediately following our commercial harvest, the fields will open for U-PICK. As we get closer, we will be posting dates, times, and locations on our U-PICK link. Over the years, we’ve made so many friends and as always, we look forward to seeing you all in the field.

Feel free to contact me anytime if you would like more information: LYNABERRYFARMS@GMAIL.COM.

So until then, keep a watch out and thank you for visiting our website!

Lyna Knight

Lyna Knight

Our blueberry u-pick season is closed at this time. Our next commercial harvest will begin in March, 2019, and typically lasts 4-5 weeks. We will announce the dates for UPICK after commercial harvest ends so please check back!

Send us an email for more info:

Lyna Knight