We are looking forward to another bountiful crop for this year’s blueberry U-pick season. The bushes are loaded with flowers, the bees are buzzing, and hopefully the weather will continue to cooperate! As usual we will keep you updated as we get closer but anticipate opening sometime around the first of April.

Please check back for updates and if you haven’t signed up for email notifications, now is the time. Click on “Contact”, “Get email updates”, and complete your information!!

Lyna and Susan

Lyna Knight

We are strictly a U-pick farm and we hope to open as soon as blueberries are ripe and sweet! Mother Nature has been close to cooperate. We will continue to post updates so you can follow along. Also follow us on Facebook for daily updates.

We are experiencing some technical issues with our email submissions and working very hard to correct the problem so please check back for updates.

Lyna Knight
2022 Commercial harvest is underway!

As we begin our commercial harvest and we reflect on the past few years, together with the state of our world at this time, we realize that we must do our best to keep going with a positive outlook. The price of everything is through the roof, which also means the price of growing our beloved blueberries has become more expensive as well. We, as other growers, face the struggles of not only weather related issues but also economic ones. Here’s hoping we have a successful harvest and have the opportunity to open our fields for you to come pick your own.

We will keep our prices same as last year and look forward to seeing everyone sometime towards the end of April.

Lyna and Susan

Lyna Knight