Commercial harvest is complete....U-Pick is now open!
Well, 2019 commercial harvest has come and now complete….so U-pick is now available for our local friends and neighbors. The only field open for U-pick this season is 17928 Bill Taylor Rd., Lithia (Fort Lonesome)….the other locations were commercially picked with not much left. Check out our calendar to see if any changes and the hours of operation. Of course, weather is always a factor…if there is rain….U-pick will be closed for that day.
In the early part of the harvest season, we were spared the attack of the Cedar Wax Wings on our blueberries but as the harvest continued, they came out in huge flocks! With firecrackers and airhorns, we do our best to keep them flying and off the bushes but they are hungry for BLUEBERRIES!!!
We’ve been growing blueberries since 2004 and each year there are opportunities and challenges that face us as farmers. When you purchase your produce throughout the year, we hope you remember the local farmers and buy local. If not local, please check for USA grown and help the farmers continue to do what we love to do…tend to the land, grow the food, and provide wonderful produce for you all to enjoy!
Thank you for visiting our website! Please check back and see what goes on….after the harvest!
Lyna and Susan